Deception Research Society


The Deception Research Society intends to foster the development of scientific knowledge about deception* through dialogue between researchers from different disciplines and different countries. We believe this dialogue to be crucial to further understand deception and develop evidence-based practices.

*The choice to use the word “deception” is arbitrary. Deception Research Society is as much about issues related to deception—and what is called, for example, dishonesty, perjury, lying, and malingering—as issues related to honesty, credibility, veracity, and trustworthiness.


Decepticon Conferences

The first Decepticon Conference took place in 2015 at the University of Cambridge, organized by Sophie Van Der Zee and Ross Anderson. Until then, deception research was scattered across different journals and conferences. Their aim was to bring together deception researchers from different disciplines and practitioners. The second Decepticon Conference took place in 2017 at Stanford University, organized by Jeff Hancock and Dave Markowitz. After a short pandemic-related break, in 2022, a virtual two-day Decepticon Conference took place. The next Decepticon Conference will take place virtually on the 7th & 8th of December 2023. For more details, see below.

Lies and Allies Tuesdays

During the COVID-19 pandemic, when networking and sharing research findings was extra complicated, a monthly webinar called Lies and Allies Tuesdays was set up. These monthly meetings are a place for deception researchers to share their work, whether past, present or future, in an informal environment fostering constructive and respectful discussions. Participants to these meetings are committed to being “allies” in the development and dissemination of scientific knowledge about deception.

Upcoming events

November 5, 2024 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays
• Kaiah Sotebeer & Amelia Mindthoff
• Talia Waltzer
• Richard Wiseman

December 3, 2024 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays
• Matthew Gingo
• Gadda Salhab
• Simina Cacuci

Want to attend the events?

The events are for researchers (incl. graduate and undergraduate students) studying/interested in deception and practitioners who value scientific knowledge. All events are free to attend. Want to attend? Join the email list! Send your name and affiliation to [email protected] and the link to attend the events will be sent the day before the events.

Want to suggest a speaker?

Have you read a recent peer-reviewed article on deception and think the author’s work might be of interest to attendees at Lies and Allies Tuesdays? Send the name, affiliation and link to the peer-reviewed article to [email protected]. Please ensure that the speaker has not given a talk at Lies and Allies Tuesdays in the last 12 months (you can see the list of past speakers below). You can also submit your name or that of a co-author.

Past speakers

April 6, 2021 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Victoria Talwar – What you can learn from developmental research on children’s lie-telling
• Norah Dunbar – Three Challenges for Deception Researchers in 2021
• Jaume Masip & Tim Levine – Want findings that replicate in deception detection research? Increase the number of senders and judgments

May 4, 2021 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Fiona Gabbert – Exploring the use of rapport in professional information-gathering contexts
• Charles R. Honts – A comprehensive meta-analysis supports the validity of the CQT for credibility assessment
• Simon Oleszkiewicz – Being strategic with evidence when interviewing suspects: Lessons from the experimental literature

June 1, 2021 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Maria Hartwig & Mark Fallon – A collaborative center for improving the science and practice of interrogation
• David Markowitz – Toward a theory of prolific liars
• Bruno Verschuere – Use the best, Ignore the rest: Do heuristics allow to tell lie from truth?

July 6, 2021 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Christian A. Meissner& Dawn M. Sweet – “He’s carrying a gun!”: Can police officers reliably detect behavior-based cues of concealment?
• Lara Warmelink – Lying across the lifespan
• Nicolas Jacquemet – Truth-telling under oath

September 7, 2021 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Judee K. Burgoon – Automated, multimodal deception detection: A smorgasbord
• Bennett Kleinberg – Automated chat-based information elicitation
• Veronica Perez-Rosas – Integrating features from multiple modalities for trial deception detection

October 5, 2021 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Ray Bull – For allies/lies – Stating evidence
• Richard A. Leo – The enduring problem of the use of deception in American police interrogation
• Iris Blandon-Gitlin – Covert jail cell interrogations: Using deception to elicit information

November 2, 2021 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays (Blitz Session)

• Ralph Bagnall – Deceptive behaviour in autism: a scoping review
• Apple Grace L. Bonhoc – Lair of lies: A quasi-experimental approach to validating deception theories
• Lucia Faiciuc – Emotion regulation and the tendency to lie
• Patrick Fitzpatrick – Detecting linguistics indicators for deception of an insider threat
• Christian L. Hart – Development of the pathological lying inventory (PLI)
• Alison M. O’Connor – Are older adults more honest than younger adults? An experimental study
• Gadda Salhab – An evidence-based approach to promoting honesty in child witnesses
• Nathan Stuttard – Detecting guilty knowledge from eye movement analysis
• Sophie Van Der Zee – Personal model of Trumpery
• Xinran Wang – Using behavioral features to detect malicious insiders with active indicators

December 7, 2021 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Leanne ten Brinke – How lies shape social life
• Chris N. H. Street – The Adaptive Lie Detector Account (ALIED)
• Hugues Delmas – The faces of lies

February 1, 2022 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Aldert Vrij – How researchers can make verbal lie detection more attractive for practitioners
• Galit Nahari – Monitoring the reality of verbal lie detection research
• Kim Serota – Unpacking variation in lie prevalence: Prolific liars, bad lie days, or both?

March 1, 2022 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Paul Taylor – Context and culture: Are we taking them seriously?
• Pär-Anders Granhag – Introducing the Shift-of-Strategy (SoS) approach
• Ailsa E. Millen – Challenges of detecting concealed face recognition

April 5, 2022 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Lorraine Hope – Getting information quickly: Interviewing in time critical situations
• Karen Douglas – The psychology of conspiracy theories
• Mircea Zloteanu – Veracity judgements, not deception detection: Understanding how we really judge liars

May 3, 2022 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Frédéric Tomas – Computational measures of deceptive language: Prospects and Issues
• Iain Reid – Applying psychology to cyber deception

June 7, 2022 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Daniel Jones – Applications of Mimicry Deception Theory: Long- vs. Short-term deception across contexts
• Nicola Palena – From the group to the individual: Profiling in investigative interviewing and in lying
• Maria Brincker – Privacy and deception in non-human animals

September 6, 2022 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• James Pennebaker – Deception as a prelude to aggression
• Vincent Denault – An overview of over 100 years of deception research

October 4, 2022 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Jeff Hancock – What can we learn about misinformation online from deception detection research?
• Emma E. Levine – Community standards of deception
• Camille Srour – The general theory of deception: A disruptive theory of lie production, prevention, and detection

October 17-18, 2022Decepticon Conference 2022

Sophie Van Der Zee, Ronald Poppe, & Ross Anderson – Man vs. machine: Knowledge facilitates the deployment of countermeasures against motion-based deception detection
• Cody Porter, Rachel Taylor, & Adam Harvey – Applying the asymmetric information management (AIM) technique to insurance claims.
• Payton McPhee & Meg Ternes – Credibility in the courtroom: A standardized procedure or guessing game?
• Nathalie klein Selle & Gershon Ben-Shakhar – The effects of mental countermeasures on psychophysiological memory detection: Facilitating orientation is easy, stopping inhibition is not
• Aldert Vrij, Sharon Leal, Haneen Deeb, & Ronald Fisher – Verbal veracity indicators and the efficacy of countermeasures in three non-weird populations
• Lara Warmelink – Veracity and temporal distance effects on the level of detail in statements about intentions
• Camille Srour & Ilyes Zeroual – Yes we can: Automating verifiable details coding with machine learning
• Liyang Sai, Jiayu Cheng, Siyuan Shang, Genyue Fu, & Bruno Verschuere
– Does deception involve more cognitive control? Meta-analyses of ERP studies
• Marguerite Ternes, Jennifer McArthur, Alice Bruce, Melissa Corbett, Elizabeth Gerhardt, Taylor MacNeill, & Jonathan Mansvelt
– Conducting high stakes deception research in a virtual environment: Adapting in-person methodologies for a virtual world
• Ine Van Der Cruyssen, Gershon Ben-Shakhar, Bruno Verschuere, & Yoni Pertzov
– Eye movements can reveal recognition of a crime scene: A virtual reality study
• Alejandra De La Fuente Vilar, Lorraine Hope, Feni Kontogianni, & Simon Oleszkiewicz – Strategies to report or withhold information in an online interview
• Stephanie Chan & Amanda Tan – Double trouble: Exploring the usage of deception and persuasion techniques in non-fungible token (nft) scams
• Jennifer McArthur, Zoë Dunsworth, & Marguerite Ternes – Online identity-based deception: An examination of personality and motivations for lying online
• Drew Curtis & Christian Hart – Cluster analysis of pathological liars
• Jorden Conrad & Marguerite Ternes – An honest dilemma: Exploring relationships between empathy, personality, and prosocial lying
• Mircea Zloteanu – Stop aggregating veracity judgements! The benefits and necessity of proper data analyses
• Danni Norman & Bruno Verschuere – Crime memory in the reaction time Concealed Information Test
• Joanna Ulatowska, Aleksandra Cisłak, Adrian Dominik Wójcik, & Agnieszka Skruczaj – Does it take one to know one? Politicians’ veracity assessment abilities
• Obed Appiah & Bruno Verschuere – Simple but diagnostic: Diagnosticity is the basis for the Heuristic approach to lie detection.
• Aaron Benjamin Lob & Bruno Verschuere – Does nonverbal information deteriorate the accuracy of the take-the-best heuristic for deception-detection?

November 1, 2022 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Paul Riesthuis and Henry Otgaar – The impact of fabrication on recognition memory: An experimental study
• Nicolas Roulin – Deceptive strategies and deception detection in job interviews
• Irena Boskovic – Malingering: Could it be prevented?

December 6, 2022 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Glynis Bogaard – Detecting deception using comparable truth baseline
• Frank Krueger
– Neural mechanisms of deliberate dishonesty: Dissociating deliberation from other control processes during dishonest behaviors
• Elena Svetieva – Beyond trust and reputation: Modelling the individual and social effects of deception

February 7, 2023 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays (Deception Research Methodology Panel)

• Erik Mac Giolla – Can we agree on a smallest effect size of interest in deception cue research?
• Tim Levine – Ecological validity
• Mircea Zloteanu – Deception detection research in an open science world: Improving methodology, statistical analyses, and reproducibility

March 7, 2023 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Aurélien Baillon – Wisdom of bootstrapped crowds: Application to deception detection
• Keith Wylie – Second-language lie detection: A systematic review
• Mathilde Noc – Cognitive interview for suspects: Is there a risk of false confession?

April 4, 2023 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Drew Curtis – Pathological lying: Recommendations and treatments
• Charlotte Buecken – False denials increase false memory rates for abuse unrelated information
• Amelia Mindthoff – Observers’ culpability assessments of interviewees in a psychologically-realistic interrogation paradigm

May 2, 2023 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Sarah Volz – The sender-message entanglement – Influences of judges, senders, and messages on lie detection
• David Neequaye – What justifies cognitive load lie detection?
• Rebecca Wilcoxson – What are we teaching future Australian criminal justice practitioners about lie detection?

June 6, 2023 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Alexander Van Zant – Does hoodwinking others pay? The psychological and relational consequences of undetected negotiator deception
• Haneen Deeb – Exposing suspects to their sketches in repeated interviews to elicit information and veracity cues
• Elizabeth Elliott – Dynamic decision-making: An alternative to post hoc deception detection

September 5, 2023 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Daniel Benz & Marc André Reinhard – Depression and the detection of deception
• Liam Satchell – d can be deceptive: Considering practice-relevant analysis in lie detection research

October 3, 2023 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Jacqueline Evans – Identifying true and false denials in drunk suspects
• Alison O’Connor – Assessing the morality of older adults’ health lies
• Jiayu Cheng – Intuitive or deliberative dishonesty : The effect of abstract versus concrete victim

November 7, 2023 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Natasha Martlew – Developing the Insider Language Index: A composite measure of insider threat detection
• Tim Brennen – Lie detection: What works?
• Jonathan Jarry – Current trends in pseudoscience

December 7-8, 2023 – Decepticon Conference 2023

• Petra Hypšová, Martin Seitl, Stanislav Popelka, & Daniel Dostál – Infrared thermal imaging and eye-tracking for deception detection: A preliminary experiment
• Peter Slijkhuis, Steven J. Watson, Mariëlle Stel, & Ellen Giebels – Eye spy a lie: An eye tracking study into gaze behaviour and receiving lies
• Michelle Walther, Steven J. Watson, Alexander Boden, & Mariëlle Stel – How do consumers determine the veracity of online user reviews?
• Mark G. Frank – Hanging around with con artists: Reflections on “Inside the Mind of a Con Artist”
• Aakash Saxena, & Jason Apollo Voss – Towards the semantics of darkness: Textual analysis of dark triad
• Aldert Vrij, Sharon Leal, Zarah Vernham, Tzachi Ashkenazi, & Ronald P. Fisher – Do these two people know each other well? Introducing the high-context communication style interview protocol to detect deception
• Kate Miller, Clea Wright, Michelle Mattison, & Lisa Oakley – Timing of evidence disclosure and suspect response: What are the effects of suspect veracity and culpability?
• Nicolas Rochat, Hugues Delmas, & Émilie Voisin – Are we relying on unreliable measures of linguistic deception cues?
• Katarzyna Cantarero, Magdalena Król, & Sergio Moreno-Ríos – Is prosocial deception really a lie? The role of falsity, intention to deceive and prosocial vs egoistic motivation in evaluating lying
• Xunyu Chen, Judee K. Burgoon, & Norah E. Dunbar – Detecting insider threat from strategic and nonstrategic deception during group deliberation
• Chris N.H. Street, Jordan Carter, Lucy Meaden, Blaise Craven, & Jarrard Johnson – How often do we think people are telling the truth outside of lie detection experiments?
• Kim Serota, Tim Levine, Liza Zvi, Dave Markowitz, & Tony Docan-Morgan – The pancultural nature of lying
• Samantha Sprigings, Cameo J.V. Brown, & Leanne ten Brinke – Deception is associated with reduced social connection
• Tiegan Blackhurst, Lara Warmelink, & Calum Hartley – Exploring lie-frequency and the emotional experience of lying in neurotypical and autistic adults
• Uri Gneezy, & Marta Serra-Garcia – Why don’t people lie more? Because they think people won’t believe them
• Drew A. Curtis, Christian L. Hart, & Victoria Talwar – Pathological Lying in Adolescence: The Role of Executive Functioning
• Lisanne Schröer, Victoria Talwar, Maartje Luijk, & Rianne Kok – Parent-infant attachment and lie-telling in young children: The Generation R study
• Angela D. Evans, Victoria W. Dykstra, & Alison M. O’Connor – The frequency of telling self- and other-oriented lies from adolescence to older adulthood: An experience sampling study
• Victoria W. Dykstra, Alison M. O’Connor, & Angela D. Evans – Lie recipients from adolescence to older adulthood
• Alison M. O’Connor, Victoria W. Dykstra, & Angela D. Evans – Exploring the characteristics of daily lies told from adolescence to older adulthood

February 6, 2024 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Norah Dunbar – What role should AI play in deception detection?
• Kirk Luther – Artful insights – Sketching as a tool for eliciting information and cues to deceit
• Feni Kontogianni – Do prompts that ‘set expectations’ facilitate detailed reporting in multicultural investigative contexts?

March 5, 2024 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays

• Galit Nahari – Context Embedded Perception (CEP) for lie detection
• Angela Evans – Methods for promoting truthful disclosures from witnesses and peers disclosure recipients
• Marta Serra Garcia – Improving human deception detection using algorithmic feedback

April 2, 2024 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays
  • Mircea Zloteanu – Uncertain veracity judgments: Does question framing influence deception detection?
  • Christian Hart – Lying and Religiosity
May 7, 2024 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays
  • Luise Ende – Rich and Easy to Deceive? The Influence of Money Priming on the Ability to Detect Deception
  • Lyndsay Woolridge – Perceptions of Linguistic Speech Characteristics on Deception Detection
  • L. Jean Walker – Deception Detection: Cues and Consequences of Fake Online Reviews
June 4, 2024 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays
  • Cody Porter – Employability and Distrust: Hiring those with a Prior Sexual Offence
  • Esteban Puente López – The Risks of Using Nonverbal Behavior in the Spanish Forensic Context
  • Kelly L. Coburn – A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Deception Detection by Neurodiverse Young Adults
October 1, 2024 – Lies and Allies Tuesdays
  • Aldert Vrij – Verbal indicators of omission lies
  • Shahar Ayal – Emotional Implications of Egoistic vs. Altruistic dishonesty
  • Kang Lee – Effects of Academic Integrity Reminders on Exam Cheating among University Students


Sophie Van Der Zee, Ph.D.

Sophie Van Der Zee is director of the Centre for the Law and Economics of Cyber Securityt (CLECS) and academic director of the MSc behavioral economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Her research focuses on lie production, technology enabled deception detection, factors driving honest and secure behavior, and cybercrime.


[email protected]

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